Thursday, January 1, 2009


No Thanks for the Memories

The beginning of a new year is always a good time to reflect on the 365 days that preceded it. In 2008, our City Commission:

--Increased the millage rate by such a high percentage that a unanimous commission vote was required.

--Jacked our sewer and solid waste rates by 60%.

--Adopted a new public records policy making it more difficult for residents to obtain information.

--Moderately reduced our police force…although Commissioners Wollin and Valery wanted a more drastic reduction.

--Folded the library underneath the City umbrella instead of keeping it a subleased entity.

--Fondly waved bye-bye as the Friends of the Library, who previously operated the library, walked out the door--no public questions asked--with approximately $80K, ignoring that ALL income associated with the library was, by contract, to be deposited into the City treasury.

--Authorized more legal fees to chase former City Manager Al Grieshaber, even in view of that fact that there is no hope of recovering the total investment.

--Allowed the Whitehurst beach access, the southern entrance to our city, to continue looking like Sanford & Sons’ backyard while IRB’s anemic bottom line staggered under the weight of legal fees associated with an ownership dispute of 7.3 feet.

--Repeated the vote to set the millage rate—not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES—due to procedural errors.

--Continued to waste taxpayer money on the A2K/USF Gulf Blvd. Study, even after the preliminary unveiling of the plan was an absolute abomination.

--Insisted on implementing a new sign ordinance requiring most IRB business owners to spend money bringing their signs up to code at a time when some are just barely hanging on.

--Forced our residents to repay loans that no one apparently authorized without answering pointed questions about who, what, when, where and why.

--Voted 4-1 to approve yet another “surprise” $400K adjustment to the budget from the prior year--well after the year-end close and well after the need for the adjustment was determined.

--Failed to implement (at least publicly) any new systems and/or procedures to keep 2008’s debacle from repeating itself in 2009.

And, here are just a few goodies already on tap for the new year:

--Giving the City Manager position more power when we’ve been unable to keep one for any appreciable length of time.

--Cramming the defunct Beach Management Plan down residents’ throats by “sneaking” it in through new amendments to our City’s master Comprehensive Plan.

Nationally, 2008 has been referred to as the worst year Americans under the ago of 70 have yet to experience. Locally, it's been equally as dismal. Other than a few new dune walkovers, there must be some positive highlights from the past year besides living in the best beach community on the entire Gulf Coast. Aren't there?

Nancy Obarski
Beach Trail/IRB

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Anonymous said...

"I see hard work, honesty and integrity in all the members of the current commission who would never attempt to harm anyone purposely. I would certainly vote again for each of the commissioners who sat with me: R.B. Johnson, Bert Valery and Terry Hamilton-Wollin, even if we differ on some points."
Recent quote from Jose Coppen. Is he suffering from dementia? This guy is as crooked as the people he supports. Jose, like your record in public office, this record is nothing to be proud of. You personally created most of these issues here in town. Financially, you are inept and cannot add simple numbers. When will you stop terrorizing this town?

Anonymous said...

Lots of great private parties and good fellowship in the local pubs.

Cheers to the HOA for keeping us "together" as friends and neighbors.

I don't believe the City Commission can claim responsibility for anything good since the last three of the fab five took office in March.