Tuesday, July 22, 2008


No More “Pumpkins at Midnight”
Mayor (then Commissioner) Johnson and Commissioner Wollin lobbied hard for shorter meetings during the previous commission. They persisted with their "brevity campaign" even to the point of cutting citizens off nearly mid-sentence and leaving important issues hanging. But now that they have “buddies” on the commission who are more likely than the last group to push through items they support, it’s a whole different story. They’ll sit there now, wallowing in congeniality, until the wee hours of the morning without so much as a whimper, if that’s what it takes. No problem getting a motion to extend the meeting these days. Maybe their objection wasn’t to longer meetings; just longer meetings in which they were outvoted.

Calculator Missing in Action

A classic line uttered by one commissioner at the July 8th 5:00 p.m. Workshop as Burton & Associates presented their recommendations for possible 80% and 60% hikes to our sewer and solid waste rates: “I don’t have a calculator.”

Chic-a-Si Park Waits for No USF Study

Chic-a-Si Park is directly across from the Post Office behind the Historical Museum. It's probably the single most important parcel when it comes to the successful development of the Business Triangle--an area of focus in USF Study. So how is it that the redevelopment plan for this park is moving full speed ahead—without even waiting for the results of USF’s work? The June 10th meeting was filled with discussion about bathrooms, fountains, and bocce ball courts—without one commissioner making so much as a passing reference to the USF Study—for which $30,000 of your tax money was appropriated. There is allegedly grant money available for most of the Chic-a-Si-Park expense, but does the grant pay for everything? If so, why was the Rotary being approached to kick in funds? One contractor who looked at the already-accepted park plan claims the walkways running throughout will flood like crazy. Is he right? IRB might be flat broke, but the plans for Chic-a-Si Park move forward nonetheless!


Anonymous said...

higher taxes, higher fees, more rules, taller buildings, commercial on the beach, city secrets, government that hides from the citizens, limits on citizen input, more spending; what is happening to our beach? thank you action 2000 and the developers you support and leo and the commissioners you all stuffed down our throats with lies. cut spending to the bare bones to save our town.

Anonymous said...

Hurray Action 2000! Masters of Deception, Commanders of Untruthfulness, Dominating the Minions of Small and Challenged Minds! Thank you very much. Your well thought-out and patient plan is finally paying off. Wipe IRB off the map. The death of this city will remain with you always, as it should. Many thanks to you and your manipulative practices, your zombies who carry out your every whim, Leo the Snake, Mr. Laughable Bert, Peanut Brain Terry and Mr. Jim L Slick. Who will save us now?